Project Two Conclusion

 The final piece took a bit of work, but I'm ultimately happy with how it looks. Using a series of small parts derived from rhomboid shapes seen in the rainbow lattice sunstone, I assembled the tiara, carefully composing the shapes, the overlaps, and visual depth.

Presentation for project two here.

    The pre-final version, though carefully constructed, I decided was too delicate to try and print with a hollow interior, I had constructed it from 2mm x 2mm prisms. But this helped me better understand the visual language I was developing, and informed the final version.

    The final version, using 4mm x 4mm prisms, proved a bit trickier to emulate the same level of detail the previous version had, but I figured it out in the end. 

    I started with 270 degree arc that measured 160mm in diameter, extruded perpendicular to it's plane, and used Unroll to create a plane I could use as a template for the patter. On that flat plane, I assembled the pieces for the centre shape, then assembled one side of the tiara out from the centre. I then mirrored those pieces, and used Boolean Union to unify each individual layer, rather than all at once, so that it would be easier to catch errors. After that, I unified the layers together, and used FlowAlongSrf to bend the tiara into the appropriate shape.

I'm looking forward to fabricating it. I intend to use a clear PLA filament to create shell, which I will fill with pigmented fluid, likely oil, and then seal shut before casting the whole tiara in resin.


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