Project One 3D Modeling

After a few more revisions, and reworking most of my joinery to be stronger, I was able to get my piece fully modelled in Rhino. I had to cut some the pieces up into smaller pieces in order for them to fit in the 12 x 24 inch sheets, so I modelled some basic key joints along the split edges of the parts in order to fit them back together after cutting.

I intend to keep most of the cut outs from my tiled pattern to use for making jewelry.

I also finally settled on a design to engrave on the front most face of the box. I created a sort of squiggly pattern to fill the face that's made from one single line. It was inspired by patterns that are created by various organisms, such as slime molds, as well as by the organic patterns formed by ferro fluids under a microscope.

Looking forward to seeing how everything looks once everything has been stained and assembled.


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